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Address£º No. 8 Shunhe Road, Lanshan District, Linyi, Shandong province, P.R. China. 276000.


Ò»¡¢Pollen quality test

Along with the continuous change of natural ecological environment and poor configuration of orchard pollinizer, the fruit setting rate of naturally pollination is lower and lower, which can hardly meet requirement for fruit trees harvest.Therefore, artificial pollination becomes an important measure for modern fruit trees growing and management. Orchardist can produce pollens by themselves or buy commercial pollen-Linyi Yu Guo fruit trees pollen. Pollens for pollination are vigorous active pollen. Their activity requires special condition during the process of producing and delivering, otherwise they will have low germination rate and even die. So we should choose qualified pollens for artificial pollination to ensure the normal effect of fruit trees pollination. 1¡¢1Sensory quality testing Visual and olfactory test. ¢Ù The pollens are in powder form, not mouldy and featured by the unique color and smell of their own variety. ¢Ú The pollens are pure and have no foreign particle. ¢Û Crude pollens may have original anther shell; pollen grain of pure pollens can get through sifter of 0.15mm pore.

1¡¢2Physiological index test. ¢ÙInstruments Medicinal ladle, medicinal cotton swab, counter balance, thermometer, Constant temperature incubator, beaker, crucible tongs, electric stove, glass rod, slide, culture dish, microscope, rubber head dropper, and PH test paper and dropping bottle. ¢ÚMaterials Sucrose for chemical analysis, agar, boracic acid, hydrochloric acid, and distilled water. ¢ÛCulture media collocation Add 0.5g agar into distilled water 50 ml, heat it to be dissolved, add 5g sucrose and after it is totally dissolved add 0.01% boracic acid, modulate PH to 5.5-6.0 with hydrochloric acid and then coat it onto the slide. ¢ÜExperimental procedure 1)After the temperature of culture media on the slide drops to room temperature, softly sprinkle trace of pollens onto the culture media. 2)Put absorbent paper into culture dish and inject appropriate amount of distilled water for moisturizing, put the slide with pollens into the culture dish and cover it, and locate the culture dish into constant temperature incubator with 25 ¡æ for 4 hours. 3)Count number of pollens by microscope: record the number of pollen cells and germinated pollen cells, and then calculate germination rate according to below formula. Germination rate (%) = (Q/W)*100. In this formula, Q=the number of germinated pollen cells counted by microscope; W=the total number of pollen cells counted by microscope.

¶þ¡¢Artificial pollination methods

The Yu Guo fruit trees pollens sold to orchardists are the pollens that have been sufficiently dehumidified, dried and low-temperature preserved (these are essential measures to ensure the pollen activity and high germination rate). The pollens should be carried out of sealing bag one day before pollination and be located in a clean and shade place within room (temperature lower than 24¡æ£¬relative humidity around 70%). Let the pollens absorb moisture evenly (the pollens after moisture absorbing should be in powder form when they are stirred). Otherwise the germination rate will be decreased and therefore impact pollination effect. 1. Spot pollination: Generally, it's better not to use additive in crude pollens .The well treated pollens can be used for spot pollination directly. Pure pollens can be stirred evenly with equal or double amount of additive, and then preserved in a little dry bottle, which can be used whenever it is configured. Dip a little amount of pollens with a pencil having rubber tip or a self-made pollination tool, choose high quality flowers at good fruiting positions, and softly spot the pollens onto the top of gynoeciums (stigmas). Every dip can be used for 3-5 flowers. Generally, for large-size apples, spot pollinate one central flower each inflorescence; while for pears, spot pollinate two edge flowers each inflorescence. If the flower amount is enough, don't spot pollinate apical flowers or weak flowers. This method will take a lot of time but it will bring more accurate and reliable fruit setting rate, bigger sized and better grown fruits. 2. Shaking pollination: Thoroughly mix the pollens and bulking material at the ratio of 1:2-4(depends on germination rate), place the mixture into a small-pore silk bag, and tie the bag up onto top of a long bar. Shake the bar smoothly upon fruit tree flowers during full-bloom stage to sprinkle out the pollen for pollination. 3. Mechanical spraying pollination: Thoroughly mix the pure pollens and additive at the ratio of 1:1-3(depends on germination rate), and then spray the mixture evenly with a dry sprayer. This method should be implemented at the beginning of full-bloom stage. It applies to the orchard with large area but low workforce, and requires large amount of pollens. Using this method, fruit setting rate will be high, while it also increases the difficulty to do the fruit thinning. 4. Liquid spraying pollination: Add white sugar 1kg, borax 30g and pollen 20g into water (neutral) 10kg, stir them evenly and thoroughly, and then spray the liquid upon fruit trees during full-bloom stage by ultra-low volume sprayer. This kind of pollen liquid must be used out within one hour it is made. 5. Pollen amount of usage: Generally speaking (large-size fruits), spot pollination will use pollens 5-10g/acre, other methods 5-10 times more. 6. Pollination time: The pollination time should be within the period from 2 hours after sunrise to 2 hours before sunset, and the temperature is better around 18-25¡æ. Notes: 1.Normally, pollen germination has population effect with pollen tube growth; therefore the gynoecia should be pollinated sufficient pollen to get a good fruit setting result no matter which artificial pollination method is applied. 2.Poor climatic conditions, fruit tree bodies, operation details may affect normal fruit setting, so the pollination process should be repeated several times in a correct way.