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Address£º No. 8 Shunhe Road, Lanshan District, Linyi, Shandong province, P.R. China. 276000.


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Anther Opening

Anther Opening

Publisher£ºYu Guo PollenPublished£º2013/10/25

Linyi Yu Guo pollen service center applies manual-intelligent bidirectional controlled drying technique to extract fine anthers. The extracted fine anthers are spread onto cool plates immediately and then placed on cool racks in drying room (room temperate lower than 25¡æ) for drying. In the early period after anthers entering drying room, air flow forced switching mode is applied to reduce humidity of the room (to avoid high humidity which may impact pollen quality); in the middle and late period, optimum natural drying mode simulated by electronic intelligence is applied(temperature at 25¡æ, and humidity at 30-40%). The whole drying process lasts about 48 hours. Then we gather the dry and cracked anthers, pack them into bags, enclose drying agent (to avoid pollen being humid), and seal bags for preservation.

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